Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Social

1. What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?  A picture of L with her tongue sticking out that I found on my phone.  I think she took it during church.  I wonder what the Preacher thought of that?
2.What do you keep beside your bed? Books, my kindle, my glasses, usually my earrings I forget to take out, an alarm clock that I don't even use anymore, and my phone (now my alarm as well).
3.  What is your least favorite chore? Laundry and vacuuming.  I wouldn't mind laundry as much if the washer and dryer were up stairs instead of in the basement.
4.  If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be? Supper, we don't have time to cook it or to sit down and eat it as a family.  and because of this, I feel guilty as a mom.  I know we eat too many convenience suppers and THEY say families who don't eat together are disconnected. 
5.  What do you do to vent anger?  I am passive aggressive and just get moody and snarky.  I am an eye roller and sarcastic.  Maybe if I vented it more, I could get over things faster.  I then ruminate it in my mind and have stomach aches and headaches.....not very productive.
6.  What is your favorite holiday of the year and why?  I enjoy birthdays the most.  Mine and my families.  I like to make that one person feel celebrated and honored for their individuality and place in our family. 
Link up with the above blogs to share your answers to this week's questions. 


  1. My nook lives by my bed. I find its much easier to read than a paper book.


  2. i am totally moody and snarky! sometimes i hate that about myself...sometimes I"m glad I don't just lash out though.

    glad to be a new follower :)

  3. Thanks for the comments, I look forward to catching up on your blogs as well now. Rhe, it looks like we have a lot in common :)


Thanks for stopping by and giving me some feedback and a chance to get to know you as well :)