Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Currently

 A link up with Farley for the monthly currently....
Listening to my two junior high daughters discuss people's Facebook statuses.  I love how dramatic junior high girls can be and how life altering they think these things are....whew.
Loving that my 3rd daughter actually laughed at a sarcastic joke I made.  She usually rolls her eyes at me or it goes completely over her head.  There is hope yet :)
Thinking that it is already past my bedtime and I am going to regret staying up too late.  However, I am for once not tired at all.  Hmmmm.
Wanting to go to a hockey game.  It has been years and it is one sport I truly love.  I used to love Black Hawk games and nothing excites me more than a good fight.  I know....crazy.
Needing to get a pedicure.   Well, I could paint my toes myself but I like the full treatment and the leg massage...yep.  I am going with Need.
A Favorite Tradition is to have sparkling grape juice and chocolate eclairs (from the freezer section of the grocery store) for Christmas morning.  I don't know how this started but in this house, it would not be Christmas without them.


  1. I found you on Farley's blog! You should definitely record today's date because managing to make a middle-schooler laugh is a pretty big accomplishment! Happy Sunday!

  2. I have never been to a professional hockey game, but have enjoyed Illini hockey games in the past. I was just telling Brian the other day that I want to take the kids to a game this winter. Those college boys can have some good fights sometimes. I typically HATE violence, but do enjoy watching hockey brawls and the occasional UFC fight. :)


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