Monday, December 8, 2014

Catch Up for Blogmas

I am playing some catch up on my Blogmas list today...
When Do You Open Presents?
We open one gift on Christmas Eve.  Usually I get the girls something similar so I pick that gift so that every one gets it at the same time.  I am excited about this years sister's gifts.  I will fill you in after the holidays :)  All other presents are opened on Christmas morning.
 Handmade Christmas Gifts to Give or Get?
I love to get those coco mixes, etc.  in the jar.  Really anything homemade, I just love the sentiment of it.  To give?  I haven't been as good at this as of late.  I sometimes buy homemade Apple Butter from the Amish store and give it with a bag of bisquit mix.  I haven't made it homemade, but it is the next best thing. 
What is on Your Wish List This Year?
Nothing really specific this year.  I would like a carpet cleaner I think.  I may need to let someone know that though, I don't think that is the type of gift that usually comes to mind. 
I really do like to just get money or gift cards.  Shopping without guilt is one of the best presents for me :) 


  1. Gift cards are always nice; and those, home-type gifts are hard to think about for others unless they have specifically related what is needed. My youngest daughed named off all sorts of kitchen utensils she needs/wants (but I have forgotten)...guess I need a new list from her!! And my oldest daughter said something about cooking lessons for her and her husband at one of our local grocery stores! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have to get gift cards and not cash because I always spend my money directly on my kids. I'm sure I'm not alone in that. A carpet cleaner sounds like a great gift. I love that sort of thing. One year my husband bought me a kitchen aide mixer and my mother-in-law thought it was one of the worst gifts because it was like telling me to cook or something. I guess she didn't know I'd been asking for one for years.

  3. That's cool that you get your girls all something similar. When my sister and I were little we would have to open our gifts with our backs together to keep from ruining the surprise for the other (gifts always the same just different color).
    I agree, gift cards are great! For just the reason you mentioned. No guilt shopping! :)

  4. I think I could easily add a carpet cleaner to my list, too! I love that you do sister gifts and think that's so special. I so agree with Liz and cards are better than cash because I'll spend it on my family. Guilt free shopping is the best! I enjoyed your catch up!

  5. Shopping guilt-free is always a wonderful option on the wish list! I love practical gifts too - so I completely understand the carpet cleaner idea. ;)

  6. I love practical gifts and I completely understand what you mean about shopping guilt free :)

  7. I'm like you...I love receiving homemade gifts. There is something so special about them. I'm not as good at making them! We, too, open one gift on Christmas Eve. I always get my loves Christmas pajamas....even though they are getting quite old!! :)

  8. I know a carpet cleaner isn't the first thing that comes to mind but I think if its something you want then go for it..merry Christmas to you and your family


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