Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Linking up The Simple Woman's Blog with my week's plan

 Week of February 16th....

Outside my window... Snow. 

I am thinking... that I can handle the above mentioned snow since we are on the tail end of winter.  Yes!!

I am thankful... that I have a warm home, a loving family, and enough of everything I need.

I am wearing... the same thing I wore for Valentines Day with my hubby.  My black sweater and red scarf.  I did wear something different yesterday :)

I am creating... nothing.  I am pinning like crazy, that is my hobby as of the past few weeks.  I guess I could call it "planning", but really it is mindless entertainment.

I am get that laundry caught up.  Someday.  Like when the kids are all grown and out of the house.  Like in 10 plus years.  Like in time for them to start doing mine.  Hahahaha. 

I am wondering...if Lucy will ever truly forgive me for slamming her cat's tail in the garage door.  By accident.  It was a rough Saturday afternoon.  The cat snuck into the garage behind me and I didn't notice until I had slammed the door.  The tip of her tail was caught.  I broke the tail and now we have to wait for it to possibly fall off.  She is not acting like she is in any pain, but poor Lucy is taking it hard. I am feeling so horrible :(

A few plans..Outside of a couple of games, not much on the calendar this week.  

I am reading... Tattoos On The Heart.  It is a book about a ministry in Los Angeles that works with Gangs.  It is such an eye opener as well as a heart opener. I used to work with the mentally ill and have had gang members as clients before.  It is a subculture that is hard to understand until you get to know the members as people instead of the stereotypes in your head.  I am really loving this book.

I am praying... for my nephew who I love so much.  He could use your prayers as well if you would please.  

I am learning...God has bigger plans than what I see for myself.  

In the kitchen... I am just not feeling it so far this week.  Doug made an amazing bacon wrapped pork loin on the smoker last night.  I would be happy to just make Ramen noodles tonight....just kidding...kind of.



  1. Yes, I'm glad God isn't as narrow minded as I am! :) Our kids each have a day of the week that they do their own laundry. I decided long ago that it is something they needed to learn and I am a working mom who is NOT a slave to the laundry room! :) I hope you are enjoying a few days off work!?

    1. My two older girls do their own laundry, but the younger two get distracted in the moving it to the next stage We will get there :) I am going to try the day of the week thing though, you are so right, we do not need to be slaves to the laundry room!

  2. I will definitely pray for your nephew.. I am sure the cat will survive. Mine has survived my daughter do far, just barely.

    1. Thank you for the prayers :) The cat seems to be fine, but Lucy's reminders are still rampant..."Bella, be careful around mom!" haha

  3. Penny I really enjoyed your daybook. There are some weeks I dont feel it in the kitchen either and it doesnt happen! Praying for your nephew.

    1. Thank you for the prayers and for empathizing with my "kitchen lethargy"... have a wonderful week :)


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