Friday, October 10, 2014

Sharing Some Scripture


Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 
 ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11
As a  mother, I know that words have the power to build up or tear down.  I believe in encouragement and love with my words.  However, I am sarcastic by nature and I also see how my sharp tongue seems to have it's own mind.  It truly  is a double edged sword. 
Recently, my friend told me she finds me to be "so creative".  Who me?  I had been in a slump and her words alone, sparked me to start letting my "creative juices flow" again.  I have been trying to do a craft, write something, etc, each week now.  I am rising up to the challenge to be Creative!!
I am also paying this forward.  I am encouraging my daughters more, encouraging my husband, and encouraging my friends.   I am not giving false compliments, but rather looking for things that I see that they are good at and encouraging them to foster their talents.  God calls us to not hide our talents but to multiply them for his glory. 
We make a difference with how we use our words.  We make a difference in God's kingdom when we encourage others to grow and share their resources.  Words matter dear friends.  Proceed with excitement!

1 comment:

  1. It's funny how a real compliment can encourage our hearts to move forward. :). I am looking forward to seeing your creative juices on your blog. :)
    By the way, I am totally sarcastic too. It keeps life fun!


Thanks for stopping by and giving me some feedback and a chance to get to know you as well :)