Monday, December 31, 2012

Blessed Sunday......

This was what I had planned to start yesterday but  a good book got in the way.  So today I am writing the post I hope to continue every Sunday. 

So many times I get stuck in the what is wrong with my life way of thinking and as the Bible says we are to focus on what is true and what is lovely.....I know I paraphrased and didn't supply the scripture...but it is in there :)  This weekly post is to focus on what is blessed in my life.  I am doing this every day in my journal but I doubt you would be interested in a daily entry on the Krabel family (however, we are quite entertaining!).

Most importantly, I am blessed with an amazing husband.  I am loved unconditionally, Praise the Lord.  It is probably hard to believe, but I have A LOT of flaws!! We have been together for 14 years now, married for 13 1/2, and I don't know what I would have done without him.  He has been there through the loss of  two grandmothers, the loss of my mom and her battle with cancer, the unexpected death of my dad, the loss of my brother and his battle with cancer, as well as all the emotions that come with those.  He has dealt with lots of my hormone roller coasters due to being a woman and being pregnant  a lot those first years of marriage! He is a great Dad!! and although I know he would have enjoyed a son, he would not trade a single one of his girls to have one.  Consequently, my girls have bailed hay, buried a dead cow, watched the birth of a calf, bottle feed some baby calves, and a host of other things that being part of a farm family has brought.  Madi especially loves the sale barn and spending the day working with her Dad.   

Yes friends,  I am blessed.  Thank you Jesus for seeing what I needed and giving me what I wanted....a wonderful husband..... I love you Doug!!!


  1. I am glad you started blogging! We re lucky and blessed to have wonderful husbands and fathers for our children. It makes life easier. Keep writing! :)

  2. Thanks Carla, I think I am going to be hooked. I really enjoying checking your blog out as well!


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