Well it has been a very long and yet a very short week. I knew the holidays and the fact that I had most of the week off from work would make the week seem to go by fast. However, I did not expect the flu to hit me and the hubs on Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve. This gal could not even get out of bed and get the final details done for Christmas. However I have great older girls who chipped in. Cassie did the Christmas baking, wrapped some last minute gifts, Madison filled stockings, reindeer food was put out, it all got done. We had a traditional Christmas lunch the day after Christmas and you know what? It was all good.
This was a reminder to me that I am not in control. God is. The best laid plans do not stop life from taking a different spin. Christmas still happened. I was still with my family. We really came together and worked as a family. There was extra nurturing, extra love, and extra compassion. I am
one blessed mama and wife.
Merry Christmas and Happy Friday :)
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