And another week ends....this one felt like a long one, and next week will seem so short because of the holidays. Are you ready? I think we are about there. Planning a little earlier has helped with the stress factor...who knew? Oh yeah, you probably did, I am a little late for the organization and preplanned boat most days. Here is what has been keeping us busy this week..
1. A snow storm and a bowling party. The girl's were invited to a birthday bowling party and we braved the bad roads to go. I even bowled! We really had a great time and I was glad we went on and went. Happy Birthday Grace :)
2. The Church Christmas program was Sunday morning. The girl's had parts in the program and then C sang a solo. It brought tears to my eyes...love those gals of mine.
3. My niece is home from Haiti where she is a missionary and a preschool teacher. We have loved catching up with her and hearing all of her stories about the country and her classroom. Proud does not even begin to encompass how I feel about this girl...
4. The school Christmas program was this week as well. Every class and the band did a great job. It was short and sweet which was perfect for our busy week.
5. The tree finally went up and got decorated...and has some presents wrapped underneath. Wow! So out of character for this family.....
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