"Dry Out Your Sins" ~ Lucy Krabel
L was "preaching" one day to her imaginary Sunday School class and coined this cute little phrase. I loved it. Isn't that what we are supposed to do? Hang them out there so God can dry them out. Jesus washed them away. He made us white as snow. Clorox couldn't even touch them. That is why we need Jesus.
Out of the mouths of babes. I couldn't have said this any better myself. Thank you Jesus. Your sacrifice made me clean enough for my heavenly reward. I can't do it without you. Your word tells us that no one can get to the Father except through you.
During this Christmas season, remember Jesus is the reason. All of the other things like family celebrations, etc. are ways we choose to celebrate the most holy of births. I liken it to the Best Baby Shower ever!!!! and I love to celebrate the births of babies.
Have a Blessed Sunday and a wonderful week dear friends.
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