Now that December, and 2013 for that matter, is over, what did it teach me?
1. I actually love the Elf on the Shelf idea. Doug and I had a great time coming up with ideas and copying others ideas to make our gals smile when they woke up each day. I also liked taking pictures of the antics.
2. Christmas trees and decorations always get up in time for Christmas, even if I am one of the later decorators. I also learned from facebook that I am not the only one and therefore can quit berating myself about it every year.
3. I have done a great job raising my gals. When Doug and I were sick on Christmas Eve and Day, my girls were amazing at pulling Christmas together. My heart was about to burst.
4. Snuggling on a couch with my family for almost a week was wonderful and something I will always cherish.
5. I am not a fan of the commercialization of Christmas although I do love the Santa, Elves, and Reindeer component. I am going to simplify even more next season. I loved that this year was about togetherness and not stuff.
All that being said....December is still one of my least favorite months and I am ready to get this new year started!!!
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