Image from Pintrest
OK, I am not being grumpy but I am going to vent or gently remind....God gave each of us our own children because we are the ones he knew could best parent them. Case in point, parents who choose to let their children use and have technology should not be criticized. Yes, children need to be outdoors or using other creative means of occupying themselves besides just electronics, etc....but technology in and of itself is not bad. Letting your child read a book on a tablet is not wrong. Letting your child play games, etc on a form of technology is not wrong. Judging others is not our job.
I am actually not writing this because of a personal attack, but it easily could be me "they" are talking about. I am one of "those parents". We have Kindles, we have smart phones, we have lap tops. We love them, we use them daily, but we do also interact as a family. We like to read on them, we like to play games, we enjoy our social media. We are not bad parents and our family is not in jeopardy of not communicating with one another. Believe me there is a great deal of talking in our female majority home.
We live in a technology world. Miss and over use of anything is not ideal. Not connecting with others is detrimental to society. Agreed. But with that being said. let parents who embrace technology make their own boundaries for their children. Dont' turn this into the next Bottle vs Breast or Stay at Home vs Work Outside the Home debate. Let people parent their children as they see fit. Let's allow for differences in opinion on this topic.
Off my soap off to read a book (on my Kindle...) while sitting next to four children who are probably playing Mindcraft on theirs.
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