Do you ever have trouble deciding what to wear or just feel like you are in a noncreative rut? If you follow me on Pintrest, you already know that my girls and I like fashion. Well most of us. One of us, I am not mentioning who.... hasn't joined on the bandwagon yet. or at least we feel she hasn't. She always looks cute, but could care less about "trying" to look cute. It works for her though. Lucy REALLY likes to put an outfit together, only I sometimes wonder if she takes the "mixing patterns and/or mixing colors" theory a the mark :) When you are 8 and under and super adorable, it works too.
So in order to spice things up, I found this on the following awesome blog....
So in order to spice things up, I found this on the following awesome blog....
Fashion Instagram Challenge on Modern Modesty
I am going to do this in the month of October, maybe with my four daughters. I probably won't do all of them , but it will make choosing outfits for the day more creative..... Join in if you would like, even if you do not have an instagram. I am planning to post some of the pictures on here as well :) Use the hashtag #modmodfallchallenge on your IG posts.
We all can benefit from stepping out of our fashion boxes or just stepping up our game a little. Although appearance is not everything, when we feel good, we are happier and even more productive. Never forget to nurture and grow your inner person first and formost. God knows our heart and takes joy in our inner beauty.
Can't wait to see your pictures. How fun to do this with your daughters! :)