Today I am joining up with The Simple Woman to give you a peek into my daybook for this week... Outside my window.... Sunshine! It is still a little chilly but I love seeing the sun. I am thinking... About my New Year's goals and resolutions....yes, I do that. I am thankful... That I have been able to really relax over of my break. I was really needing it mentally, physically, and spiritually. I am wearing.... My sweats...hey, it isn't pajamas :) I am creating... A calm mind. I am going... Grocery shopping later and to my niece's 10th party this evening. I am wondering....How to have a better schedule for 2015 and reduce the chaos in my life. Seriously. I am reading.... I am finishing up some books on my Kindle. I need to be better focused and read one book at a time I think. I am hoping...that this week drags by..... I am off all we...
This is my personal blog to share with you my life, my views, my amazing family and my passion for God. I hope you enjoy this window into my life as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.