I am really enjoying the link ups and meeting new bloggers....so here we go again...
Never ever ever...
Will I not be frustrated that I am such a clutter bug. I am actually not as attached to things as I once was, but getting the time to go through and pitch stuff is so limited.
Will I not love Homecoming week in this small town. I especially have enjoyed this time since I have had a high schooler. Poster making, puffy shirt decorating, hearing about float building....love love love!!!!
Will I understand the Junior High Mind....nor do I really want to. This is such an awkward age. Are boys this weird?? or dramatic??
Will I not enjoy Pintrest surfing....so many great ideas, so little time.
Will fall not remind me of my Momma. We did so many fun fall activities and went to so many festivals together.
Have a great Tuesday and check out the blogs listed on the button :)
Thank you so much for linking up with us!! I loved your list of never evers!