My Oh My, These Fridays seem like they are coming up on one another like crazy!! Here are my five for Friday for this week.....
1. When I went to get the mail today I got my IPSY bag and it was just absolutely perfect for me and I cannot wait to try out this month's products....yeah! And the checkbook I ordered from Current came and it couldn't be any cuter. Score!
2. I actually took a selfie that I liked. I felt like a teenager because I wanted to post it.... BTW I was sitting waiting on a train and was BORED !!
3. This weekend we are going to a "wiener" roast and this picture just cracked me up because we are a wiener dog family, and one of ours is actually named funny!!
4. Madi went on a youth group overnight and they had to dress like Duck Dynasty. I think she made a pretty impressive Uncle Si if I do say so myself :)
5. My results came back from mammogram just fine. I tell ya, this is such a relief for someone with a family history of breast cancer. Whew.....
This is a link up with the following blogs. I can't wait to see your Five on Friday!!
stopping by from the linkup...hello! girl, that selfie sure is gorgeous! so are your girls!!! i can tell who they get it from! :)