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Blessed Sunday...My Testimony

I have been thinking a lot about my testimony.  I don't feel like I have an earth shattering moment when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, so I have decided to just tell my story.  My Jesus story.....  It will probably take more than one post, so I am going to start with my childhood in this one. 
My first real Jesus memories are when I lived in Kentucky and was about 4 or 5 years old.  My Dad was in the army and my mom always went to church on post at the chapel.  Howevcr, I got on the church bus and went to a Baptist church one town over.  I am not really sure how that evolved, but my momma always felt that where you were being spiritually fed was where you should go, and even though I was young I preferred that little Baptist church in E town, so that was where I went.
My Sunday school teacher was a very pretty lady, I can't remember her name.  I remember that she told us she had a horse and I remember a lesson she taught about God's creations. We had apples that day and we cut them  in half to see the star in the middle.  She told us that only God could make such beautiful reminders of his love for us.  I remember the apples that didn't get eaten and the cores left over were put in a bucket to take home to her horse.  I also remember her standing in front of us one Sunday and announcing that she just loves Jesus. I was so overcome and stood up and said "I just love Jesus too!!"  Such a simple statement but it summed up how I had always felt.   I don't remember of how I learned about Jesus or God.  It was always just a fact in my house that they exist.  Never a question, never a doubt.  But I was so overcome with how much I loved him that day. 
I guess that is my testimony..... Blessed Sunday dear friends.


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