It's Ok.....
That I think snap chat is ridiculously stupid....I have teens and tweens that look like idiots taking pictures of themselves constantly...Oh My Goodness!!!
That I love shopping for love, love, love. I also can't wait to wear some of the new spring shoes I have bought.
That Spring and Summer make this girl Happy, Happy, Happy.
That the Bates Motel is disturbing, but may be my new "can't wait to watch show."
That it is official. I am in a mid life crisis. Katherine the Great says if I ask her one more time about my "wrinkles" or "old lady" features, she is going to scream. But at least she is good for my ego, and I got carded when buying wine this week....score!!
That my puppy has become my new baby....if I didn't want to be one of "those people"....just kidding, I would post about a million cute pictures of her on facebook.
That Lucy is hot mess if something upsets her in the morning. You just have to laugh or you will become as angry as her. My girls all wear their emotions on their sleeve. Poor Doug :(
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