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Blessed Sunday

Ecclesiastes 7:9  Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.
This is such a hard one for me.  When I am angry I try to justify why it is just fine for me to feel that way.  It is always the other's fault.  They made me angry right?  If they would do what they should, I wouldn't be angry right?  If they would read their bible or just act accordingly to some moral code then I wouldn't be angry right?  Ugghhh......
Basically I am saying if they would just ask me what they should do and then do it, life would be great and I wouldn't have to be angry.  It is all about my desire to have the control over life and everyone in my inner circle.  Guess what?  Never gonna happen!!!
When we ask God to give us patience and self control over our emotions.....guess what?  He teaches us how to develop these skills.  Oh Why?  Please God just give it to me.  If you are teaching me, then I have to practice it......yuck!   My flesh does not like to learn life lessons.  
I have had to forgive a lot of people in my life, and I know a lot of people who have had to learn to forgive me.  Because while others do not always do what I want them to, I also do not always do what others want me to either.....surprise I know!! 
The good news.....Forgiveness brings peace.   Every time I have learned to forgive.  I have been blessed.  Always with a more sincere love and respect for the person I was angry with. Do I always see their side?  No, sometimes I never do, I just learn to love them anyway.  A bible study friend told me once that when you choose to forgive, you will then want to pray for them and their lives and for blessings to be heaped upon them.....No way!!! Oh Yes my's true.  I pray for people I would have once wanted to see suffer (well not really, I am not that cold). 
The hardest thing about forgiveness is when God shows you your part in the struggle.  Ugghh! Then the harder part of that is when it is not a situation you can rectify or offer your apologies.  Sometimes you have to let sleeping dogs lie.  That is difficult for me.  I have situations I feel I should make amends for, but the situations would be more complicated if it were stirred back up.  Some day my peace can be made, but for now, God has given me his peace for my choice to forgive and repent my fault to him.
I loved this Pintrest quote this week, I bet others can relate;
And this one was too funny.....I Love You Jesus!!!
Have a blessed Sunday and a wonderful week!!


  1. I love reading your blog. This one hit home for me too!

  2. Thanks April, I am excited that some people even read it :)


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