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Showing posts from April, 2013

Social Sunday on a Tuesday

Did you ever sleepwalk as a child? I don't think so, but Katie did when she was little and that was just strange.  Did you ever try to run away or sneak out of your house? No way!   My mom did think I was a boring teenager though and did show me a way to sneak out of my room.  I then asked her why I couldn't just go out the door if she really didn't seem to mind.  We agreed that was a safer way then jumping off of the roof. Did you have any imaginary friends? I was the only child at home because my brother was 14 years older than me.  So yes, I think I had an entire boat load of imaginary friends. Did you ever go toilet papering? No, my mom would have killed me!!!!  She did have her boundaries for bad behavior. Did you ever sneak TV shows you weren't allowed to watch? I had cable in my room and was definitely a room dweller.  I don't think my parents even knew what I watched. Just for the record.  I was a pr...

New Name

I decided to change the name of my blog.  I finally thought of something kind of cute with a play on words.  Katie thinks I just don't think they are great anymore....not true!  I find my posts are more encompassing than just motherhood, so I thought a name change was in order.  I have always liked my name for the most part and I do like the comments that occur because of it.  The only one maybe not so much is "it keeps turning up like a bad penny".  But that is probably true sometimes as well.  So don't fear, I am still a proud momma!!!

Progress on my Spring List

 Spring To Do List Update Dye Easter Eggs with koolaid Take an updated  family picture Start a regular walking routine Start my tomato plants early Plant strawberries Buy the big plant that I look at every year for my deck Get a comfy lounge chair for my deck Get rid of that stupid swing set this year!!! Talk Katie out of buying a duck at Rural King :)  Well, I  consider this progress.   I decided after looking at it about 10 times, that I no longer want the big plant for my deck.  So I crossed that off. I got the comfy lounge chair and am looking forward to sitting out there on the deck with a good book and catching some sun :) The swing set is gone!!!! Thanks hubby.  As is the pile of old bikes, we look a little less redneck now.  Yeah!! I am actually still planning on dying those eggs even though Easter is over.  That is just a fun thing to do whenever.   It has been ...

Why and When to start a family

This is a copy cat post from my friend Carla's blog Our Happy Chaos .  I liked the writing prompt and decided to share my story with you.  Well, my family story has a few interruptions and a start over.  So here goes.  I always wanted to be a mom and a wife.  I could have easily been one of those drop out of school and get married type of girls from the fifties.  However, I did finish High School (with good grades), I went to Beauty School first (and graduated)  and then got my degree in Family Services from EIU. When I was 23 I got married.  I wanted children right away and was pregnant with twin boys 3 months after getting married.  However, when I was at my 23 week mark, my boys came early.  Because they were so small and weak, they did not make it.  Their birth story will be another post.  God blessed me with a second pregnancy 3 months after their deaths.  That is where my beautiful Katie enters...

Social Sunday on a Monday

  What is your shopping weakness? It changes all the time.  I love to hang out in a furniture store, just ask my hubby.  I love to buy jewelry  (cheaper so I can get more!),  I like to stroll through Hobby Lobby or Michael's.  I like to look at make up.  Currently most of my purchases are on ITunes so I can listen to all my old high school and college favorites on my IPhone.  I think I need an intervention.  I also love, love,  love antique stores.   What is your food weakness? I once gave up being a vegetarian because I wanted a taco, but I don't think that is actually my weakness.  I just love all kinds of food.  I absolutely love barbecue and seafood.  I just wouldn't have enough room for all my favorites.      What is your go to movie to watch when nothing is on? I LOVE Hope Floats and  The Notebook.  I also LOVE PS I Love You.  I could go on and on, but it is ...

Blessed Sunday

  Ecclesiastes 7:9  Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the heart of fools.     This is such a hard one for me.  When I am angry I try to justify why it is just fine for me to feel that way.  It is always the other's fault.  They made me angry right?  If they would do what they should, I wouldn't be angry right?  If they would read their bible or just act accordingly to some moral code then I wouldn't be angry right?  Ugghhh......   Basically I am saying if they would just ask me what they should do and then do it, life would be great and I wouldn't have to be angry.  It is all about my desire to have the control over life and everyone in my inner circle.  Guess what?  Never gonna happen!!!   When we ask God to give us patience and self control over our emotions.....guess what?  He teaches us how to develop these skills.  Oh Why?  Please God ju...

Finally Friday

picture from PINTREST Finally Friday...... What happened this week?  We bought a new couch, Cassie got her stitches out, Lucy had her IEP at school, the yard flooded,and the bunny massacre involving a new nest and a bad puppy happened (very sad ). What's up for the weekend?   The Festival of the Young Child at the mall.  I have to work it which involves reading to children (which I love) and hanging with The Cat in the Hat....woot woot.  Then home for a spaghetti supper to support my father in law's mission trip.  Yeah, no cooking!!! Looking forward to next week for?   The last of my evening trainings for a little while.  It is a literacy training I have developed and I feel it will be good, but will be glad when its done. 

It's More than OK

It's More Than OK!!! Cassie's surgery went well and now that we figured she was having a reaction to her pain medicine, she is doing awesome. That Doug and I have gotten to go on two motorcycle rides so! That Cassie got a first on her solo at music contest!!! That I am getting the yard cleaned up and have finished my sidewalks, so no more mud!!!!  and the Schwan's Delivery Guy says he appreciates it too :) That the living room is going to get done this month.  We bought the couch and are going to check out carpet!! I am super excited about that and happy that there should be enough big person seating for the whole family finally!! That Madi and I are making some plans for an alone day.  This is such an awkward age and finding things to do with a tween that is not too grown up or too juvenile can be a challenge. We will figure out something fun though for sure :) Katie is a Prom Princess Candidate. ...

Blessed Sunday

Today was a blessed Sunday indeed.  Today was a day that made me feel younger instead of older.  I have referred to my "mid life crisis", well today it was out the window.  Doug and I had our usual "we are the parents of four kids" type of date.  Lunch out by ourselves at Red Lobster (our absolute favorite),  followed by furniture shopping (yeah we are redoing the living room!!! new carpet, new couch!!!!!),  Sam's for some "organizing" furniture, and Home Depot for more landscaping blocks for the sidewalk I am making.......then.......dant ta da.....a Harley ride!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, motorcycle riding, how I have missed you!!!! Oh, how I have needed you!!!!!!!!  I love riding motorcycles.  My Dad always had a bike, my hubby had a bike before we were married, my brother had a bike, my guy friends had bikes, even one of my best gal pals had a bike!!  I love them.  It is a great feeling.  It was also the perfect day for it....

It's Ok

It's Ok..... That I think snap chat is ridiculously stupid....I have teens and tweens that look like idiots taking pictures of themselves constantly...Oh My Goodness!!! That I love shopping for love, love, love.  I also can't wait to wear some of the new spring shoes I have bought. That Spring and Summer make this girl Happy, Happy, Happy. That the Bates Motel is disturbing, but may be my new "can't wait to watch show."  That it is official.  I am in a mid life crisis.  Katherine the Great says if I ask her one more time about my "wrinkles" or "old lady" features, she is going to scream.  But at least she is good for my ego, and I got carded when buying wine this week....score!!   That my puppy has become my new baby....if I didn't want to be one of "those people"....just kidding, I would post about a million cute pictures of her on facebook. That Lucy is hot mess if something up...


I love writing prompts.  It gives me a direction to start.  I especially love this monthly one from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade .  This is what is Currently going on around here..... Listening to... The gals playing Monopoly and singing..... Loving... That tomorrow is going to be the start of some warm weather....Yeah Baby!!! Thinking... About alot of things.....alot of important things :( Wanting... To eat Fruit right now..... Needing... To be better at cooking a meal for my family....they are starting to complain... Advice... Enjoy each minute of each day....the unimportant tasks will continue to be there.

Sunday Social on a Monday

This week's interview questions are: 1.  Favorite type of workout you do?   I love to walk. But not on a treadmill.  I like to walk around town and see all the beautiful yards, landscaping, etc.  I have no problem taking a few minutes to visit with someone outside.  This is just another added perk.  When the girls were younger and I was usually pushing a stroller, it was nothing for one of the other girls to be pushing a toy stroller with a baby doll.  No, I may not be a speed walker, but I am a happy walker. 2.  Favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet? I love ice cream or pie or pie with ice cream or cobbler or brownies or warm cake with NO frosting.  I especially love Strawberry Shortcake or Strawberry pie.....oh my, I am hungry now. 3.  What is one thing you consistently forget to do? Send papers back to the school with my signature or send lunch money.  I go through the backpacks and get them out, but the...

Blessed Easter Sunday

 There were so many beautiful pictures on Facebook this year, that I decided to let a few of them say the words for me. We are all so blessed to have the opportunity to know and accept Jesus into our hearts and lives.  I love Jesus.  I would love to know that all of my friends and family had accepted Jesus into their hearts too.  Eternity with my loved ones is so important to me.  Today at church, three more souls were baptised in the Holy Spirit.  What a glorious Easter it was.  Have a blessed Sunday and a wonderful week dear friends.