Did you ever sleepwalk as a child? I don't think so, but Katie did when she was little and that was just strange. Did you ever try to run away or sneak out of your house? No way! My mom did think I was a boring teenager though and did show me a way to sneak out of my room. I then asked her why I couldn't just go out the door if she really didn't seem to mind. We agreed that was a safer way then jumping off of the roof. Did you have any imaginary friends? I was the only child at home because my brother was 14 years older than me. So yes, I think I had an entire boat load of imaginary friends. Did you ever go toilet papering? No, my mom would have killed me!!!! She did have her boundaries for bad behavior. Did you ever sneak TV shows you weren't allowed to watch? I had cable in my room and was definitely a room dweller. I don't think my parents even knew what I watched. Just for the record. I was a pr...
This is my personal blog to share with you my life, my views, my amazing family and my passion for God. I hope you enjoy this window into my life as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.