It's just another manic Monday oh oh, wish it were Sunday, yeah yeah, cause that's my fun day.......Now that the lyrics of my favorite Bangles tune is in your head, this is what's going on around here.
It is actually not a manic Monday. I have the day off of work for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday and my children do not! I am missing them though or at least I will after a
I think Katherine the Great has quit as my tech support. I say “I need help with my blog”, she rolls her eyes and then magically disappears. I had to fill her car up with gas last time to bribe her. So I guess I’m on my own…..sniff sniff
Wanting: To take a nap this afternoon. I love naps!! My Dad was a napper and I think it is genetic, smile.
Needing: To be better at making my kids do chores. Truly, I understand Cinderella’s stepmother at this point. Maybe she wasn’t mean; maybe she was just in her 40s and tired. However she would have gotten way more accomplished if she hadn’t played favorites. Three girls doing the chores would have accomplished more than one, and those girls needed something better to do.
Welcome to blog world.