Words.....they can build us up, tear us down, and mostly just define who we are. You can usually tell a teenager by the way they speak. You can tell a witty individual by the words they use. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have never gotten past the eighties with my "awesome" and if I am really impressed it's "freakin awesome". I use "freakin" a lot, but not like some may say as a substitute for the other "F" word, because I don't use that word as a regular in my vocabulary (yes, I have used it before, but I am not proud of it....and I was super duper mad!). I just think "freakin" makes the adjective I am using more "dynamic" (another word I love).
I also love phrases. One of my favorites is "a hot mess". As in, ugghh that girl is a "hot mess." However, I did look it up in the urban dictionary and ewww...... I don't know if I will continue to use it, but most likely I will. When I was subbing, one of the preK teachers used to say "well isn't that the cat's pajamas?" I loved it!!! However, I always forget to say it. It just sounds like a little old lady and I love that. My grandmother used to tell me stories of when she was young and "full of pep and vinegar". What the heck does vinegar have to do with anything? But again, I loved it.
When I was reading to a group of children the other day, we were playing a word game on the IPAD and the word "astonishing" came up. Now there is word that is so neat but I never say it.....I am planning to look for ways of incorporating it into my vocabulary, as well as "groovy". So, everyone reading this.... Have a groovy day. Do something astonishing so I will think you are the cat's pajamas, and of course I think you are all freakin awesome!!!!!!
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