Today I could write about so many blessings. I am thankful that I am feeling much better. I am blessed to have had a great weekend with my sister in law at a wonderful Christian conference. I am blessed to come home home to a family that was so excited to see me and missed me even though they had seen me the morning the day before. My little dog Cloe had tons of kisses and a tail that would not quit wagging!! She makes me feel so good. She is my first dog ever who has picked me as her I get how people become so wrapped up in their dogs.
My sister in law and I went to see one of our favorite authors speak. Her name is Jen Hatmaker and she is an amazing teacher of the Bible, as well as a woman who has opened many eyes regarding excess, simplicity, and making the Bible come to life in our every day lives. My favorite book of hers is
7 An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess
You can not read this book and have it not change your life and way of thinking. I learned so much from her this weekend at the conference. She reminded me that in order to be the church to others we must love our neighbors as ourselves. Easy right? Not always. I can love my family, friends, and people I don't have any conflicts with. However, that is not what Jesus meant. We are to love EVERYONE as we love ourselves. I am supposed to love the people I don't like, the ones who offend me, the one's I have no human desire to get know, and therefore I must seek Jesus in order to fulfill this command. Oh my.......
I would encourage you to read one of her books, perhaps start with this one. I have read several of her other ones as well. Have a Blessed Sunday and remember we want to leave this world with nothing left on our table, all of our cards played, all of our talents and resources exhausted!! Heaven does not require a suitcase.....Give all of you!!!!!!
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