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Find Your Passion Question #2

 Questions #2 is 

When you were a child, what did you dream of doing when you grew up?

Like most little girls I use to play school a lot when I was little, but I don't think it was as much of a passion as it was modeling some pretty amazing influencers in my life. I also liked to play librarian and my mom got me library cards and pockets that I could put in my books, this was so fun.  But ultimately I just wanted to be a mom.  I really always thought I would just be a stay at home mom, girl scout leader, Sunday school teacher, etc.  

When I was in Junior High during the 80's the idea of being a stay at home mom didn't even seem to be a consideration anymore.  There was the whole push of what are you going to do, where will you go to college, etc.  I think at that point I only thought about where I would go to college, still not "what would I do".  I figured I would go to the local State University (where I eventually did go) and decided I would like to be a psychiatrist like Marlana on Days of Our Lives... yep that was how I was choosing my career   I never stopped wanting to be a stay at home mom, girl scout leader, Sunday school teacher, etc.

High School... I didn't really put too much thought into it.  I just stuck with the EIU/Social Worker thing.  Not much passion just what I was most interested in.

 Senior Year I went to the local community college for a college day because everyone did that.  I came home with a pit in my stomach and told my parents that night I did not want to go to college....

I had good grades, was National Honor Society, had won several academic awards, and knew in my heart the only award I was most proud of was my Home Economics/HERO outstanding member award.  

My parents were disappointed.  My Dad said I had to go to school for one year, he didn't care what I majored in, it could be Basket Weaving for all he cared.  I chose Cosmetology.  I figured if nothing else it would be fun and I could have a salon in my house if I wanted to.  So that is the route I took.

About right out of the gate, I knew this was not the career path for me.  However, I did love the classes, the friends I was making , and I don't like to not finish what I start.  So, I continued on, graduated the program with honors and started on my bachelors the next fall.  I did cut some hair on the side for friends and family, but never used it for a career path.  I graduated four years after that with a degree in Home Economics, Psych minor, again with honors.

I have used this degree in many different ways over the past 25 years.  I have worked in the mental health field, as a substitute teacher, in the child development field, and now as a Parent Educator/Home Visitor in the school system.  I also use my Cosmetology knowledge to keep my family looking good between hair appointments, when my girls were little, and during the pandemic.  So I feel both of my degrees have paid for themselves and served me and my family well.  

I would still prefer to be a stay at home homemaker and now that we will be living on our farm, I would like to expand my knowledge as a farm wife/helper, but for now I am so blessed to have a job that I love and that works for my family as well.   

I have still been a Sunday school teacher, a girl scout leader, and even a JH cheer coach.  Home Economics also gave me  valuable information I used in caring for my own family.  I may not have wanted to go to college but I did make wise choices and have never regretted the information or the degree I have earned and most importantly used.


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