Happy Friday!
How is it that every time I say I am ready to start blogging again, it seems to be a year before the next entry.....
Life, that is how that happens. I am on a crazy hamster wheel right now and a spare minute tends to get allotted to social media or a nap. Could I carve out more time to blog? Maybe, probably, but I am not going to feel guilty about it.
What I do feel guilty about is how I keep saying I am going to get my life out of crazy mode and somehow stay in it. That is why I have been doing some self discovery. Who is Penny, what are her passions, what are her goals, and also what are her values?
I often think I know the answer to these questions but then something happens and I realize that they are not as black and white as I originally thought. There is almost always a back story to everything.
Anyway.... this is how life looks right now.
Listening to Lucy's phone (a game or background on you tube) from the other room. Also the continuously running air conditioner since the temp outside is currently "hotter than hell".
Loving my day off and happy to have slept in and feel finally rested this week. Between busyness and allergy meds I have felt exhausted EVERY DAY.
Thinking about the fun weekend ahead with the big family birthday and K's wedding shower. I am learning to love all of these things and quite stressing so much about them.
Wanting to get completely caught up at home so that I can develop a good routine and be able to rest better in the evenings and on the weekends.
Needing to let God have control and stop trying to figure out crazy things that I literally have zero control over. Letting God show his love for me and let him do what only he is capable of. He for sure doesn't need my menial input.
Hope it is a happy Friday for everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
Hey lady! Good to "see" you! I totally feel the same about blogging and life! We are empty nesters now and I don't know how we ever did all that we did when the kids were all home. Hope you figure out how to enjoy your evenings and weekends!