What makes a house a home? Is it the decor? Is it the location? Is it the curb appeal? While all of these things are nice, I feel what makes the house a home is the people within it. Are we there for our people? Do we offer love and support to our people as well as help meet each other's basic needs? Are we their safe place to fall? Hopefully our answers are yes and the answers from our people would also be a yes.
I sometimes struggle with being bogged down by feeling that my "home" is not aesthetically what I want it to be. I struggle with house envy for sure. However, when I look within the walls to the people filling my couch and sharing my time, I realize how blessed I am. We are there for each other. We know each other. We feel each other's pain and joy. These things are worth more than what our real estate is worth or our curb appeal. Most importantly, we enjoy each other.
An example of this was our Christmas break. Honestly we spent the majority of our time on the living room couch watching movies or reading. We were snuggled under our throw blankets for hours at a time enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation. We were not at games, school events, work events, etc. Our biggest concerns were what and when to eat. Everyone took turns cooking and cleaning it up. My youngest turned the corner into a doll room and we just allowed it for the week. We were all together and it was amazing. My children didn't pull the "I'm bored" or "Can I go to so and so's house?". If we did have to go some where, we all rushed back into the house and back into pajamas or lounge wear (for me that is sweats). We loved each other's company and the time just together.
So if you are like me and sometimes play the comparison game. Stop. Look Around. Is everyone happy and healthy? If yes, count your blessings. These are things that Will last for eternity.
Today I am linking up with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Hop on over and read some great ideas for building your home as well :)

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