Except for a few minutes of desperation and one really did need and want to let someone know I was thinking of them when they had a loss in their family, I Did It!! I went a week without FB and lived!!!
Did I miss it....yes
Did I like it....yes
Will I continue on this fast....probably not
I have learned a few things about myself. I am too nosey sometimes and I don't always like being in the know. I can survive with only knowing the things that concern me.
Facebook is still full of alot of negative energy, and that is not something I need in my life. I am all for venting but the mean things said to and about others, and the vague jabs at people are so not cool. No longer do I plan to give these statuses a space in my mind. I no longer care who those things are targeted at.
As far as the comparisons topic. It is still my issue whether or not I am on Facebook. I still find ways to compare myself to others. This is not the fault of Facebook but is definitely a means to feed this personal flaw. I truly am happy for others and do not hold blessings against them. I am very blessed myself and love to share those blessings with others.
What started out as a rant ended up being a good life lesson. I am no longer "fasting" but have decided to continue on a "diet" of limiting my facebook time.
And btw....the Krabel's did and said a lot of funny things, too bad I couldn't post them last week :)
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