Five Random Facts About Me.....
1. I didn't go to Kindergarten. However, I did end up with a college diploma and a successful job. So parents who don't want to send their kiddos to preschool.....your kiddos will be just fine!
2. I still get weak in the knees when listening to a Rick Springfield song.....ahh first loves :}
3. I am terribly afraid of geese. Like paralyzing afraid. I once left Katie to fend for herself at Walnut Point because I thought they were coming after me. I did wait with the van until she got to it.
4. I am an introvert even though I consider myself a people person. I have to spend time by myself to regroup and decompress because I get overwhelmed at times.
5. My mom didn't make me go to high school on "Bad Hair Days". I would never let my girls get away with this.
Bad, Bad, Bad!!!!!!!!!! Evil if I must say!!!!!
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