I love this picture....Katie took it of her and Madi's feet at the pumpkin patch. I love raising country girls. They put a smile on my face....at least once a day.....lol
So this is what's going on with me:
Listening to: Doug talk on the phone.....Really, they say women are the talkers?
Wanting: To keep my old Driver's License picture. I have to renew and I really like my old picture. I was able to keep it last time, but I figure 8 years is the max.....I look the same, right??
Needing: To add all my family's and my activities into my Cozi calendar app on my phone, but when I start I get overwhelmed. This family REALLY needs to slow down. We are forgetting things left and right. The stress is mounting. I know an app is not the answer, but it may bring some type of relief to our situation....ugghh....trying not to complain :(
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