Psalm 24:1 NIV The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.
Isaiah 24:4 NIV The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish.
Worldliness.....what does that mean? If I am worldly does that mean I am materialistic, self serving, and discontent? Or does it mean I care for the world and all of the people in it? I think it means both.
I struggle with being friends this world and the things in it. My heart and mind can be discontent when I don't have the latest and greatest "thing" the world has to offer. I want the new boots, the new phone, the fancy house, the new decor on Pintrest, and the high end coffee from Starbucks. I get into a pity party when I feel "deprived" of something. Right now my family's closets and dressers are bursting with clothes and our pantry is bursting with food. We are beyond blessed, we are wealthy. But not by America's standards. We are middle class in this country. Practically poor to some people. But we are not poor or middle class in the least........first world problems.......
Third world in our belly, food for our children, clothes, blankets, clean water, medicine, a safe place to sleep, a safe place to
God has opened my eyes to this more and more. I have always known it, but I have recently began to own it in my heart. My beautiful niece Katie has always known it and has always owned it. She leaves this week as a very mature eighteen year old woman to pursue God's call on her life to make a difference in Haiti as a first grade teacher and missionary. My heart bursts with pride for her heart and her obedience. I have grown so much as Christian just for knowing her. I remember the 4 year old in my backseat telling her 3year old cousin (my Katie) about Satan (my Katie was a little terrified by the details). She has always known and always owned her faith. I am a blessed Aunt and person to be part of her life. I love you Katie Krabel xoxoxo
Great post on Katie. Come visit me when you have a chance. ;)