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Showing posts from February, 2013

It's OK

I absolutely love the two blogs mentioned above. They have a regular weekly blog post and I have decided to play along.  I encourage you to read theirs as well.  I have absolutely nothing in common with these women, but enjoy living vicariously through them.  Much like reality It's OK.... That it is my 42nd   29th birthday today....yeah me! That I have a weird fascination with my urban dictionary desk calendar and now the app. So does Katie. We love looking words up.  It keeps me young and hip to raise these gals :)  Warning, some of the words are not appropriate for any one's eyes.  Please do not judge, I just skip over those. That every year I try to give something up for Lent and fail (I forgive myself since I am not Catholic and don't really  have  to practice this).  Every year it is my favorite beverage, Coca Cola.  I am addicted.  I have only cheated 4 times since ...

Say my name

  The link up from a blog I like called  Brunch With Amber was regarding how you named your blog. I liked this link up and thought I would let you know how I got my name.  No surprise, I have Great Girls and I am a If I ever take my blog to a bigger level, I think I want to pursue the Christian Mom avenue.  I also hope that it will read as a diary to my girls about my thoughts and insights into myself.   I tried to be super creative when thinking of a name.  But in the end, Mom of Great Girls was the winner.  Not creative, but just stating the facts!  

Blessed Sunday

  Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life. ~ Proverbs 16:31   He has made everything beautiful in its time.  Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. ~ Ecclesiastes 3:11     Sunday again?? Wow how time flies.  I am so excited that this week does not seem to be as jam packed as every week for the last few months has felt like.  Breathing room.....yeah!!!    I have a birthday this week!  The big 4-2!! I remember thinking someday I would not enjoy my birthday or telling my age.....not yet!! I love my birthday and I could care less about being 42.   I don't enjoy gray hair or the newly acquired wrinkles, but I feel I have earned each of them.    I look like my mom......   I have always looked like my mom, but  now a days, I look like how I remember my mom.  I pass a...

Photo Drop

Two silly girls    100th day of school with my "old lady"     Lucy and her cousins Ellie and Constance    This girl likes her strawberries    Valentines for all my sweeties      A favorite oldie of Madi Moo     Zoey- Just because I adore your mug!!!!

Blessed Sunday

    Psalm 24:1 NIV  The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world , and all who live in it. Isaiah 24:4 NIV   The earth dries up and withers, the world languishes and withers, the exalted of the earth languish.  Worldliness.....what does that mean?  If I am worldly does that mean I am materialistic, self serving, and discontent?  Or does it mean I care for the world and all of the people in it?  I think it means both.    I struggle with  being friends this world and the things in it.  My heart and mind can be discontent when I don't have the latest and greatest "thing" the world has to offer.  I want the new boots, the new phone, the fancy house, the new decor on Pintrest, and the high end coffee from Starbucks.  I get into a pity party when I feel "deprived" of something.  Right now my family's closets and dressers are bursting with clothes and our pantry is bursting wi...

What I'm Up to....

 I love this picture....Katie took it of her and Madi's feet at the pumpkin patch.  I love raising country girls.  They put a smile on my least once a   So this is what's going on with me:   Listening to:   Doug talk on the phone.....Really, they say women are the talkers?   Loving: That I have the day off and will be home when my girls get off at lunchtime. Thinking:   I absolutely enjoy my Keurig coffee maker.  I love having different flavors of coffee on a whim.  This was the best  Krabel purchase to date. Well, except for the IPHONE and Kindle Fire, and every other  convenience we have.  Some days the toaster, microwave, and even my curling iron, are my favorites.  We truly are blessed!! Wanting:   To keep my old Driver's License picture.  I have to renew and I really like my old picture.  I was able to keep it l...

Blessed Sunday

    Numbers 24:21 Then he saw the Kenites and uttered his oracle: "Your dwelling place is secure, your nest is set in a rock"     The reason I changed my Blessed Sunday picture to the above rock is because I feel this is gift straight from Heaven above.  Doug found this rock up at the family farm about a year after we bought our first house.   We then moved it to our current house when we moved in.  It is a beautiful reminder that God has his hand in everything.  The wise man built his house upon the rock, as the story goes.    We must  remember to build our families up with good morals, beliefs, and strong foundations.  Raising children is not only a gift but a responsibility.  Parenting is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done.  It is rewarding as well as exhausting.  Some times my decisions are good and sometimes I find they are not.  I feel God has given me my children for...

Past, Present, Future

    Past, Present, and Future   Highlight of the Last Week:   Doug falling throught the basement stairs   Best Thing from Today:   My Shamrock Shake at Lunch   Looking Forward To:   Lucy's birthday party     What I'm Reading: "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian     Doug falling through the basement was crazy!! I have been telling him for years that they needed replaced, but who has time to replace  a stair case?  Well, obviously it should have been a priority.  We have our washer and dryer in the basement which means the laundry which was already the size of a mountain, is now the size of Mt.  Everest. But my hubby escaped with only some bad bruising, some deep flesh wounds, but no stitches or broken bones.  Whew, we are thankful it wasn't a kiddo who went through because it was one of the top steps that broke.    Shamrock...

Blessed Sunday

The missionary and martyr Jim Elliott wrote , “ The devil has made it his business to monopolize on three elements: noise, hurry, crowds…Satan is quite aware of the power of silence.”  C.S. Lewis wrote , “ We live, in fact, in a world starved for solitude, silence, and private.” You know God is telling you something when the same things keep coming up.  It seems like everything I read lately keeps telling me to slow down, slow down, slow down....ugghh.  How do you slow down when you have four children (all at a different school stage in their life),a busy hubby, a full time job, a big extended family, and a list of things that all seem good and important?  I am not complaining, at this point I am asking and God is talking back.  I need to take more cues from my daughter Madi.  Madi is a great example and always has been of , of protecting your time.  Madi does not like to be away from home for too long, too busy with extra activities at...

I Phone Baby

Yeah!!!! I got one, I got one!!!  I finally got an iphone, thanks hubby!!  I love it!!!! Can you tell the excitement?  I,  the technology handicapped, am in love.  I have come a long way. My job has changed a lot since July and with our new collaboration with the University' s television station, I have moved out of my comfort zone and am learning about Kindles, Ipads, smartphones, apps, etc.  I am having a ball, but must look like a teenager playing on my phone all the time. The girls and I are having fun with the picture and camera apps. Facetime?? Now I have to do my hair and makeup to talk on the phone?? Oh well, it's all cool...... I think my nieces who are not living close enough for this Auntie should have facetime so I can talk to their beautiful face s :)  Check us out:    So Cassie's best comment was "Who cares if we have service, we have iphones".  Comments like this make me absolutely po...