I am going to offend some, will probably be misunderstood as being self-righteous, and a host of other things that emotions will stir within. However, my intent is to make people think, especially Christians. My intent is also to use a scared straight approach.... so let us begin.
What is Grace? I believe Grace is given and received by those who acknowledge and believe we are humans who make stupid mistakes, feel regret, desire to do better, desire to BE better. I mess up All The Time. When I do, I know it. The Holy Spirit convicts me. I feel bad, I feel guilty, I feel shame. God sent Jesus so that I don’t have to stay there in those emotions. Jesus gave me a get out of jail free card to let that go, move on, do better. He knows I am human, I can be deceived by the world and by my own desires. I am not God. That in a nutshell is Grace.
I am also convicted to fear God. I have not been given a Get into Heaven Free card. While my entry is not based on works, it is based on the condition of my heart. If I knowingly sin without remorse, without regret, without reconciliation, I am in fact doomed. We are taught to strive to be like Jesus, to accept him into our hearts, to make him our Lord and Savior.
While our God is loving, he also gives us a lifetime of opportunities to get right with him. He wants us in Heaven with him. He does not force us into relationship with him but he does require that relationship for entry. We do not know how long that lifetime on earth will be.
Get right with him Today. Start living like Jesus Today.
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