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Showing posts from July, 2018

What is Grace? Are we "using" Jesus?

I am going to offend some, will probably be misunderstood as being self-righteous, and a host of other things that emotions will stir within. However, my intent is to make people think, especially Christians.  My intent is also to use a scared straight approach.... so let us begin. What is Grace? I believe Grace is given and received by those who acknowledge and believe we are humans who make stupid mistakes, feel regret, desire to do better, desire to BE better. I mess up All The Time. When I do, I know it. The Holy Spirit convicts me. I feel bad, I feel guilty, I feel shame.   God sent Jesus so that I don’t have to stay there in those emotions. Jesus gave me a get out of jail free card to let that go, move on, do better. He knows I am human, I can be deceived by the world and by my own desires. I am not God. That in a nutshell is Grace. I am also convicted to fear God. I have not been given a Get into Heaven Free card.  While my entry is not based on works, it ...