Well, to start with, my world looks much different than the last time I wrote anything on here.
I am a Grandma now to a beautiful little girl and will be Grandma to a new little boy in March.
I FINALLY work in town at our school, as an aide in third grade.
I coach Junior High Cheer.
Two of my daughters have moved out, bought homes, and started families.
That is just a few of the changes....but that has been a lot. All of those require their own post, so at least I have some new material to work with.
Life has a way of turning your world inside out but returning you right side up, with more blessings
than you could ever imagine.

I am a Grandma now to a beautiful little girl and will be Grandma to a new little boy in March.
I FINALLY work in town at our school, as an aide in third grade.
I coach Junior High Cheer.
Two of my daughters have moved out, bought homes, and started families.
That is just a few of the changes....but that has been a lot. All of those require their own post, so at least I have some new material to work with.
Life has a way of turning your world inside out but returning you right side up, with more blessings
than you could ever imagine.
Wow! and I thought my world had changed a lot! Congrats on becoming a grandmother! I can't wait for that! We are empty nesters now and our two daughers are estranged from us at the moment. They have chosen paths that we don't support so they won't really have anything to do with us. Christmas was a quiet one this year. Come visit me at
Good to see you and looking forward to hearing more from you! :)