So, I always like to be in the know and since everyone else was watching The Making of a Murderer, I had to as well. I am not usually a binge watcher but I watched it last night until I fell asleep and today until it was over. I did not intend to do anything this deep on my day off. I do not feel like he was a good person who got wrongly accused. But I do feel like he was not given a fair trial, was very probably framed, and may in fact be innocent of this crime as well. I feel like his reputation made him the easy choice and the ball was completely dropped on the investigation and then a lot of back peddling took place. I know some "bad" people like this man, but that doesn't mean they are the only ones who commit horrendous crimes. This was not a case of justice being served. That makes me anxious. We assume that someone's past and character make them the "obvious suspect". I know a f...
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