So it seems that a lot of things have been going on and yet nothing is going on. That is life. The two younger gals have been going to Bible School in the evening and Doug and Cassidy have been at musical practice, so if Katie is home it is just the two of us, or if she has plans, I am on my own. I have been reading a good book and even had a couple little early evening naps....woo hoo...
The sky has been doing some amazing things this summer, I just loved this one.
These crackers are so good and really have hardly anything bad in them....yummm
I have been making a real effort to get my fitbit steps back up. So walking on breaks again. I really feel better when I do it.
On one of my walks, I saw this beauty. The yellow is just gorgeous.
The botany department is one of my favorite areas to walk through on campus. I love this combination of plants.
I will never find one of these with my name, so I went with family. I have essentially given up soda, but it was a bad, bad day and I needed something to improve my spirits and this taste is like an old friend. It really did help.
I found Lucy a hello kitty lunchbox. The old fashioned metal kind...she loved it, as did I.
The snap chat of Cassie wearing my favorite jacket. I know it is comfy, that is why it is my favorite. Now get it off!!!
My calendar one morning. That Maxine...she is the bomb and so wise :)
Another picture from my walk around campus. I love the industrial look.
Hope everyone is having a great week and enjoying the cool temperatures in July. I don't know how I am feeling about that :)
You are welcome to some of our yellow daylilies. C'mon out - we can dig some up and you can plant them in your yard. Hopefully, they will bloom for you next year.