I haven't done one of these in awhile so here goes...
It's ok that...
I have become obsessed with all things chalk board...darn pintrest
I don't make Lucy brush her hair everyday in the summer (have you seen the craziness?)
I want a job just reading books (to myself) with a coffee shop close by...
I hate driving and want a chauffeur, but do not need a limo. The family van will do.
I am super excited about Cassie starting High School.
I kinda suck (no better word) at grilling.
I took a quiz that asked if I would rather confront an alligator, a grizzly bear, or a mugger? How do you answer that? I chose alligator but I don't know why exactly.
I have drank a couple of coca colas in the last few weeks. That is ok, right?
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