If I were to be quite honest.....no, I do not. My oldest babe is getting ready to graduate, one middle is going to be in high school, one still in Junior High (and definitely in the stage of thinking I am a complete pain), and my baby is going into 3rd next year. They change so much in 2nd. I was looking at her the other day and she is definitely getting that older elementary look, the gnarly mouth from losing/getting permanent teeth, boxy body build, etc. I am sad. I know how tiring the other stage was when they were younger, but I would go back in a heartbeat. I am feeling displaced. I am also feeling regretful that I was not able to get back to being a stay at home mom before the other stage ended and this one started.
However, I do love all the people in my now. I have good friends, I have made some more good friends recently, and my family is the bomb. I enjoy all of my children (even the ones who don't always enjoy me...he he), and this stage has given Doug and I some new freedoms to do things together. Plus, my wardrobe is more vast now that clothes and shoe sharing is in the mix. I probably am more trendy now than I have been in quite some time :)
This is just another season in my life and I will look back on it with fondnes as well, and the upside is that I get more sleep now a days.
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