Mid week....thank goodness. This week is feeling very long to me....
I have had a headache that will not go away for like a week. I thought it was allergies, wondered about a virus, but have come to the conclusion it is stress.
I have not been able to be at one of Madi's last 5 basketball games and am thankful to get to go to her last normal game of the season this evening. I am really having a lot of guilt over this absence and am trying to not be bogged down by it in my head.
I feel that my work/home balance is WAY off kilter of late and I am trying to figure out how to get back on track.
I am living on diet coke and coffee.....
Criminal Minds was really good last night and I am now addicted to that show. I think I could be a profiler...not.
I went to Target the other night, and actually got excited about decorating for Christmas...out of character for me, but a good feeling. Prayer for joy for the holiday season is working. Thank you prayer warriors :)
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