When you live in a small town, there are always the stories you have heard forever but don't know if they are really true. Case in point...The "Witch's" Grave.
There is a small cemetery outside of our little town that has a strange grave. The stone is round and looks like it is set upon a camp fire. The date of death for the woman who is buried there is February 31st and is dated from the late 1800's. It is all very strange, but it has me thinking. What if it was a "typo"? What if she just had eccentric or careless children? What if she was the lady who went to church every Sunday and sat in her favorite pew and was known for her amazing apple pie? Who is this lady?
What kind of story will we leave behind when we pass away? Will it be based on fact or suspicion? Will it even be based on our life? Hmmm, some interesting thoughts to ponder. Maybe I should research it. If anyone reading this knows anything about the grave, please share.
The neighbor boy didn't think we should go visit because "witches are real and they steal your socks!!" Since this family has a history for losing socks as it is, we gambled and went. We came back with our socks, but this time I had a lot more questions......
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