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Showing posts from May, 2013

Blessed Sunday

  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. ~ Jeremiah 29:11    It is easy to forget that  everything in my life is part of God's plan for me.  My struggles, trials, and heart aches are part of a bigger picture. I have always believed that some of these are lessons I am to learn, and sometimes I am part of someone else's lesson, but it's not always fun.  But that is not actually my focus for today.   God wants to give us something more.  A future and a hope!!  A hope......I feel I lose sight of this....hope.  Hope that life will work out in my favor.  I am often like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh.  "Oh bother" is sometimes my mantra.  I am not a glass half full kind of gal.  I am very much a glass half empty.  Why is this?  If I look back on my life, the bad things have def...

Update on Spring To Do List

Spring To Do List Dye Easter Eggs with koolaid Take an updated  family picture Start a regular walking routine Start my tomato plants early Plant strawberries Buy the big plant that I look at every year for my deck Get a comfy lounge chair for my deck Get rid of that stupid swing set this year!!! Talk Katie out of buying a duck at Rural King :) I did it, I did it.....I accomplished all of my spring time goals except one.  I am going to move this one onto the summer list. We were supposed to have our family picture taken earlier this week but K had mandatory dance practice for tryouts on the dance team.  We do not do family pictures without the entire family and she made the dance team, so this one is still waiting to happen but will hopefully be done in the next week or two.  I am really proud of myself for accomplishing these goals and will make this a seasonal post.  It keeps me accountable....yeah me! ...

Social Sunday on a Monday

1. What is your favorite kind of surprise? I love to come home and some chore I have been dreading is done....hint hint family :) 2. Flowers or Chocolate? Definitely flowers, I will buy my own chocolate, but I never buy myself flowers. 3.  What is your favorite summertime activity? I love to go to the pool and soak up some sun while gabbing with some great friends.  I also love to just lounge outside on my deck by myself, with friends, or with family.  The deck is truly my favorite place. 4.  Do you have any vacations planned this summer? Why yes we do!! Boston for my brother in law and soon to be sister in law's wedding.  Gettysburg on the way out and Niagara Falls on the way back.....yeah!!! 5.  Favorite summer holiday?  July 4th for sure.  It is always spent having a great time with my family :)  Except for the year Doug spent it in the hospital (not so fun). 6.  Dream vacation? A Caribbean cruise.  The...

May Currently

  This is what is currently going on in my world....   Listening Lucy play a game on the other laptop and Madi play a game on my phone.  Is this bad parenting?   Loving ...that I got to hear Katie sing in the musical last night.  I love to hear my girls sing!   Thinking ...that I wish it could be sunny on a Saturday when I am at home and not at work.  Oh well, soon.   Wanting do some shopping today. The fun kind, not groceries.   Needing paint the living room.  A job for tomorrow I think.   Summer bucket list ...  go to Niagara Falls, make a Pintrest project once a week, learn one song on the piano.      Well, sometimes I think we spend too much time on screens, but then it is Saturday morning, and we are all in the same that counts as family time :)   Last night was opening night for the musical.  Katie d...

Oh, My Job

I so love that as part of my job I get to read and spend time with preschool children.  I love that they always have something to tell me whether or not it has to do with what we are talking about.  I thought I would share a couple of great ones from this week..... While reading at a family child care home this happened....a little boy decided to rub my back during the story, then moved on to my feet and playing with my toes (I had on sandals this day).  It was cute at first, but I was happy when it was done and the mini massage was  During the same story, another  little boy paused me to tell me he sleeps in his pajamas...  Aww that's nice....then he tells me that his Dad sleeps in his underwear and sometimes his Dad sleeps naked....I am sure his Dad is happy that I now have that I also read at a couple of centers.  The first center, a little girl asked me what was around my neck.  I said it was my neckla...