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Showing posts from June, 2020

Our World Right Now

 So our world right now is crazy weird to be honest.  We are still quarantined to a degree, I am still working from home.  Most things are still closed or operating under restricted guidelines.  I was finally able to see my Doctor and have an out patient surgery scheduled for later this week that will hopefully resolve some health issues I have been dealing with for a long time.  More on that another time....  Now, our country is dealing with riots and racial unrest.  I know that as a white woman in a small rural community I am not dealing with it like others nation wide but the effects are still far reaching.  I still feel the hurt and pain of a world that is turning on itself.  I am seeing uncertainty and fear manifesting in my own life because of what the country is experiencing and what potentially it could begin to experience as the consequences of what is currently happening.  A fallen economy, no safety, people and families i...