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Showing posts from 2020

Word for 2021

 Word or Words for 2021 I have put a lot of thought and prayer into my word for 2021.  I decided on the final three but since they all go together, I have decided to use them all.  Drum Roll please........ Hopes Dreams Goals I am ready to do some reevaluation, some work towards growth, and thinking outside the box.  I could have added faith as well because I know that faith will help with learning to hope and dream again. It has been a long time since I have allowed myself to truly hope and dream.  I try to live in my current reality but in doing so, I have forgot that without hopes and dreams, goals are kind of boring and not always what I really want from life.   I am HOPING that this year will bring more sunshine and less rain, more flowers and less weeds, more smiles and less tears, more butterflies and less stomach flips.   2021 Let's call a truce, maybe during all the craziness I can call you "My Year"

Find Your Passion Question 1

 On Pintrest I found a journal writing prompt list from for Finding Your Passion. There are 10 Questions and I am going to answer each one post at a time.  So here goes with Question #1 What was your favorite thing to do growing up? So without saying this would have been different for different ages.  From about as young as I can remember to at least 10 years old (maybe longer if I admit) was to play Barbies.  I LOVED playing Barbies all.the.time.  I loved her clothes, camper, plane, dream house, tiny accessories, carasel kitchen, car, dog, cat, boat, pool, horse, and on and on.  I had all the stuff.  When I was little my dad was a drill sergeant in the army and when families with older girls would move and purge their toys, I got all the barbie stuff.  I was over the moon.  I think it was partly due to the fact that it was something I could play all by myself, since my only sibling was male and 13 years old...

Winter Goals

 Winter Goals: Try a Hot Chocolate Bomb and document on here.  These look so amazing 💓 Maybe make a Ginger Bread House.  I have not done this since my girls were really little.   Actually go out and document the first real snow.  We had a small dusting the other day but I plan to document the next one and try to make a new relationship with winter.  Since moving to Illinois at 7 years old, I have never really developed a friendship with the white stuff.  Maybe at 50, I can call a truce.   Make a specific home office area in my living room.  I am pretty sure this is going to be a necessity and if not, I am sure we will still use and appreciate it. 

Almost Christimas

Who would thought that this year would have flown by when it seemed like the whole world came to a stand still.  I feel like  Spring just started even though it is December.  We have been living virtually most of the year, not much action to look back on.   No sporting events, school events, or much organized activities but we still manage to be busy and on the go a lot.   I know part of this is because we have a big family, both nuclear and extended.  In fact, if we want to keep a family gathering small, we basically can't get together.  We are 13 on our own! Wow, our family has always seemed big and noisy, but with all the grandkids, I didn't realize what big was.  I love it, I know my quiver is  abundant and I am so blessed.    I am hoping after the first of the year to add some new content to this blog because we will be doing more with getting our farm and farmhouse ready for our family.  I think it will be a fun...

November Currently

  So almost every time that I decide I want to start blogging again but have no idea where to start, I do one of these Currentlys.  So Here goes... Currently I am:   Listening to... the puppy chew on stuff he probably shouldn't be (insert eye roll) and Lucy watching Tik Tok or something similar on her phone.     Loving...that it isn't ridiculously cold outside yet.   Thinking that... I can't believe my third grandchild will be 1 this weekend.  Happy Birthday Mr. Magoo aka Rhett (insert heart, kissy face) Wanting.. to eat Mexican food for supper.   Needing.. for this pandemic to be over, for the world to go back to my sense of normal, and to have more time in a day to get things accomplished (motivation would help too).    I am completely over this pandemic thing.  I don't think I can handle another potential shut down.  I don't want to shelter at home, virtually work, or wear a mask and bath in hand sanitizer whenever...

Our World Right Now

 So our world right now is crazy weird to be honest.  We are still quarantined to a degree, I am still working from home.  Most things are still closed or operating under restricted guidelines.  I was finally able to see my Doctor and have an out patient surgery scheduled for later this week that will hopefully resolve some health issues I have been dealing with for a long time.  More on that another time....  Now, our country is dealing with riots and racial unrest.  I know that as a white woman in a small rural community I am not dealing with it like others nation wide but the effects are still far reaching.  I still feel the hurt and pain of a world that is turning on itself.  I am seeing uncertainty and fear manifesting in my own life because of what the country is experiencing and what potentially it could begin to experience as the consequences of what is currently happening.  A fallen economy, no safety, people and families i...

Quarantine? What?

So what is your life like right now? We live in one of the states that has issued a soft shut down.  We are allowed to go to the grocery store, doctor, gas stations, and anything essential. Only professions deemed "essential" are going to work but other professions such as mine are encouraged to work from home or in some cases, not at all.  Actually, you are not really given a choice about that. My girls are not in school.  We are doing school work from home but I don't feel I can really call it homeschooling.  They are old enough that they are just doing the assignments on their own and I am just the enforcer.   One of the gals is due with a baby in the next week.  This Grams doesn't get to be at the hospital due to the restrictions and now not even the parking lot because of shut down.  I know God is in control and the kids will do fine on their own but me and the other Grandmother just want to be able to support them.  U...