Today is March 30, 2015 Outside my window is.... sunny and will be in the 60's later today. Yeah Spring! I am thinking.... that this week is such an amazing week. Holy Week. I am thankful.... that Jesus died on the cross for me and my sins. He did this for all of us, Every single one of us. I am wearing... black pants, a grey sweater, and a scarf. Not very Spring like, but it is still chilly in the mornings and at my office. I am going... to one of my favorite family child care homes to read today. I am wondering.... how the weekends go so quickly. We were crazy busy Saturday and crazy lazy on Sunday after church. I wish I had one more day to do some chores. I am learning... that I have so much peace when I listen to God and his plans. I had been really trying to do life on my own and not listen. Even as a bible reading Christian, we can still get out of focus on him. Around t...
This is my personal blog to share with you my life, my views, my amazing family and my passion for God. I hope you enjoy this window into my life as much as I am enjoying sharing it with you.