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Showing posts from March, 2015


Today is March 30, 2015 Outside my window is....   sunny and will be in the 60's later today.  Yeah Spring! I am thinking.... that this week is such an amazing week.  Holy Week.   I am thankful.... that Jesus died on the cross for me and my sins.  He did this for all of us, Every single one of us. I am wearing...  black pants, a grey sweater, and a scarf.  Not very Spring like, but it is still chilly in the mornings and at my office. I am going... to one of my favorite family child care homes to read today. I am wondering.... how the weekends go so quickly.  We were crazy busy Saturday and crazy lazy on Sunday after church.  I wish I had one more day to do some chores. I am learning...   that I have so much peace when I listen to God and his plans.  I had been really trying to do life on my own and not listen.  Even as a bible reading Christian, we can still get out of focus on him. Around t...

Unleash the Power to Be Yourself

Free to be me !!!! Wow, if it only felt that easy.  I am a hot mess people.  I struggle with body image, fashion image, being good enough, being nice enough, being helpful enough, and on and on and on.... God says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  He knit me in my mother's womb.  He is honored by letting his light shine through me.  He knows I am beautiful and lovely and  a sinner. Yep, I am a sinner.  I mess up a lot!  I do not end my day feeling like it was the bomb, but I do end my day praying to God to forgive my sins and to help me do better the next day.  I do this every single night....  and he forgives me.....every single night.   I am so thankful for God who loves me like that.  Who besides God could?  I know my family loves me but they are human.  Wiping the slate clean every single day is not something that comes easily to us.  I wish God had given us the ability to completely er...

Ok, I lied...... Spring Goals/To Do

    I said I was giving up on the seasonal to do/goal list.  Well, I lied. I have decided I am giving up on the Winter list only.  Winter is a hard time for me emotionally and just getting through the weeks with no sun and lots of sad memories is more than I can handle sometimes.  Spring is always a welcome site with sun and flowers and rain (I love rain) and all the rebirth of nature.  So, here is what I plan to accomplish this Spring....         Spring To Do List:     Dye Easter eggs before Easter this year .  This should be easy but hasn't happened in years....   Get back on a money saving/frugality plan .  I used to be pretty awesome at this, but somehow we started living like we were the Kardashians (well,not really).  I will probably not coupon simply because of the time requirement, but will start ad matching and eliminating the fluff that we don't need. I have fallen into...

A Must Read for All Millenium Moms and Dads

A few times on the blog, I have referenced to that fact I am reviewing a book.  I am pleased to announce that it is being released today, March 5th ! Run, don't walk to get this book! Honestly, whether your children are teenagers or newborns, this book is a must.  What I found out is that even as an adult, my views of how connected I am, want to be, or should be were called into question.  The technology age has taken us by storm, is moving at the speed of light, and is most importantly here to stay. Our children are the technology natives .  They have never been without it and probably never will be.  So, how as parents are we going to address it? Dr. Koch gives us practical advice and asks important questions to get us thinking about what are views are, our current practices, how technology fits into our value system,family dynamics, and family goals.  She does not try to convince us that technology is bad, but to make sure we are...